My Recent Book


Parallel Lives and Personal Journey

Stephanie, the author, found her own life parallel to the woman at the well. In “The Woman at the Well,” she invites you into the world of a character named Sheila, offering a narrative that mirrors her personal journey. Through Sheila’s story, Stephanie brings a powerful message of hope and inspiration, especially for women who have experienced brokenness in their search for love, acceptance, and redemption.


The Power of Redemption

This book reminds us that, regardless of the choices we’ve made or the paths we’ve walked in our quest for love and acceptance, the message of Christ remains unchanging. The Lord does not judge but extends open arms, patiently waiting for us to return, relinquish our endless searches, and accept His life-giving love. Just like the woman at the well, He offers living water to quench our deepest thirst, a satisfaction that transcends any earthly pursuit. No person, no man, no drug, nothing can fill the void other than Him.

Discover a Tale of Redemption and Grace



The Consequences of Unholy Consultation

In “The Open Door,” Stephanie Marie Seaton delves into the gripping story of a Christian family man named Philip, whose life takes a heart-wrenching turn when he faces the devastating revelation of his wife’s affair. Faced with a moment of desperation and uncertainty, Philip’s initial response is a reflection of human frailty and the allure of quick answers in a time of crisis.



Philip, like many, finds himself at a crossroads in his life when he learns of his wife’s infidelity. Instead of turning to the Lord through prayer, exercising patience, and seeking divine guidance, he makes a fateful decision driven by a moment of vulnerability. He, influenced by the enemy’s deceit, chooses to contact a psychic hotline in his quest for answers regarding the future of his marriage.


Discover a Tale of Redemption and Grace


Unveiling the Shadows of an Unholy Matrimony

In “Abusive Christian Marriage,” Stephanie Marie Seaton takes us on a compelling journey into the intricate, often concealed struggles of a marriage that stands in stark contrast to the Christian ideals of love, compassion, and understanding.



Stephanie shares her own path of redemption and healing while weaving a powerful narrative that questions the deeply entrenched, yet sometimes misleading notion that Christians are expected to be perfect. The reality is far from it; while Christians strive for perfection, they, like all humanity, are inherently flawed. This recognition underscores the significance of Jesus as a sacrifice for our imperfections and our ultimate path to redemption.


Discover a Tale of Redemption and Grace

The Voice of the Holy Spirit

In “The Voice of the Holy Spirit,” the very essence of faith and the foundation of an extraordinary life is unveiled. While not the first book to grace the shelves of readers, it stands as a testament to the profound connection between the author and the divine. Through these pages, the author explores the unshakable belief that without the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the stories within would remain untold.


This book is a testament to the profound relationship between the author and the Lord. It reveals the divine calling that led to the creation of characters and narratives that needed to be shared with the world. In “The Voice of the Holy Spirit,” the essence of Christian faith and day-to-day living is illuminated. It emphasizes the pivotal role of hearing the Holy Spirit’s voice in establishing a deep and meaningful connection with Jesus Christ.

Discover a Tale of Redemption and Grace

Collection of my books